Okay you now have or want to get some food storage in #10 cans, but where in the world are you going to put it?!?!
Remember this stuff need to be kept in a moderate temperature and and a dry place. I have stored mine in Girlies closet.

After a trip to the cannery we had WAY to much to put there so I had to branch out. We now store our #10 cans under our bed. We formally had our bed on the floor so now I have a nice high bed and a place to store my cans.

We basically made two big capital E's back to back with most of the boxes so it would support our bed. Then I put my loose cans in. Dried fruit in one spot. TVP in another. Then veggies and eggs& butter.

When the bed skirt is on you don't even know it is there.

What a gratifying thing it is to see cans of wheat and rice and beans under the beds or in the pantries of women who have taken welfare responsibility into their own hands. President Hinkley link
Check out some of these other ideas over at The Preparedness Pantry.
Have a creative way to store your food storage. Please share!!
We have a 1400 sq foot home, no garage and 5 kids, not a lot of room. We already have extra blanket and other stuff like kids off season clothing under the beds, closets are full. We even built a walk in closet type office at the end of the playroom for the computer, storage that couldn't not go out in our shed, games books and stuff like that. So where do we put the food storage. The only other room was ours that had some space, but I didn't want to have to look at it, I already have my treadmill in there which isn't pretty. So along the back wall of our bedroom behind the bed we lined it with shelves, got a track that could be installed on the ceiling and got some nice sheets that matched our room decor, to hide the food. When it is closed it lookes like we did it on purpose for the look and feel of the room. I think it looks great and you wouldn't know there was a ton of food behind it in our room. Though those shelves are full now too and I don't know where I'm going to put anymore food now. Time to get creative again.
I feel you pain. We have 4 kids in 1100 sq. ft. We do have a small pantry and a mini (6X8) garage. However if we ever get a year supply for all of us well we will be smooshed. LOL!!
Here are some of the ideas that I have incorporated in my storing. http://notjustforstoring.blogspot.com/search/label/storing%20your%20food
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