Monday, September 7, 2009

Money Monday

Just a quick suggestion
Go get your wallet or purse right now. Hurry up...go get it? Okay now open it up and take out all your credit cards. Done? Now get that "spare one" you hide in the back out. Done? Double check......Okay now close up your wallet or purse. Take a deep breath...STOP do NOT put any of those cards back in there. Yes that does mean the one for Sears too.
Carrying around a credit card makes it a whole lot harder to keep your spending in check. If you don't have the money don't spend it. Credit cards themselves are not evil but the should be used with cation and planning.
Get a small safe box to store them in or hey put them on ice (as in freeze them). Many credit cards offer nice sounding little perks. Often these perks do not compensate for that cards fees and interest rate. BE CAREFUL!!!


Sharron said...

EXCELLENT!!!!! If we all realized how spending money on credit can destroy your life, take away your freedom and dare I say, your free agency, they would never touch them except in extreme emergencies, like needing medical care or you're stranded on the road and that is all the business will take!

My husband calls credit, "the golden handcuffs". How right he is!

thegirlwiththeplan said...

I am fairly good at being responsible with my credit cards ie paying off the balance every month, staying within our budget- my big problem is Amazon- and how easy it is to shop all the time online. It is easy to not spend money in stores because with two kids two and under, I don't really have time to cruise the aisle looking for things I want and don't need. But during nap time or at night it is so easy to buy anything with one click.