Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Whatever Wednesday

This blog is about Provident Living, and as you know there is more to PL than food storage and money. So Wednesdays are kind of like mental health days for me. I can brag about my newest PL conquest or vent about my struggles.

This week my struggles are longer than my conquests! Sad but true. I strive, eternally, to figure out and stick with a budget. This is the largest thorn in my side. We don't just throw money around but I am weak and have a hard time saying no to picking up dinner, or throwing the budget out the window for sales. GRRR!! One day it will all click but for now I continue the struggle. Any advice? Seriously people I could use it.

As far as conquest........I finally got the laundry folded and the kitchen counters clean. OH PL conquest........sadly nothing to report this week. Boo-Hoo!!