Thursday, December 17, 2009

Looking into the new year

I know I jumping the gun alittle (okay alot) but I am just at a dead end.  I am fresh out of ideas and motivation.  So......give me some ideas.  What do you want to learn about?  What peaks your interest?  What have you had enough of?  Help me help you!  LOL!


rowan said...

Tel us if you have any new years resolutions. Go on - try something outrageous

Sharron said...

This is definitely not jumping the gun. If many of us are having a $$ short Christmas, this is the time to plan on how to keep ourselves going and how to alleviate some of the economic stress. Now is the time to figure out how to utilize all of our resources as well as possible. Right now, of course, I wish that I had been doing it all along so that we wouldn't be so tight.

Jennifer Tenhagen said...

I'm starting to think about my spring garden-what to plant, how much, etc. Maybe something along those lines?