All About Apples Explore this site. It has a list of all apple varieties. You can look up a local apple nursery and so much more.
...joyfully living within our means, being content with what we have, avoiding excessive debt, and diligently saving and preparing for rainy-day emergencies. Elder Robert D. Hales
Providently yours, Amanda at 1:23 PM 2 comments
Labels: edible landscaping, gardening, my life
On my right hand side bar you will see a list of several things I want to make my self. As you can see I have accomplished a few of them.
Click here for my DIY laundry soap. I made a second batch this week at used my immersion blender on it the next day. AWESOME! It made it all smooth just like store bought.
I made my own bread!!
I have also made my own cream of chicken soup!!
I will be posting about these in the next few days. What do you want to learn to make on your own? What have you made that did or maybe did not work out?
I still have some items on my list and I am always finding more things to try.
Providently yours, Amanda at 8:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: DIY
No where fun or out of the ordinary that is for sure. I have been sick and busy and then sick some more. Oh joy!
Providently yours, Amanda at 2:05 PM 4 comments