Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thrifty Thursday

Shopping Day Prep

Friday is payday, and grocery shopping day at our house. So today I will be getting things together.

I like to start by going over the adds. Then I plan out a menu (Daphne came over and we planned out two whole weeks!!!). Then I go through my coupons and mach them up to sales. Then I write out my deals for each store.

When I am done I have a weekly menu to post on the fridge. My shopping list is all written out and coupons are attached. The coupon folder is organized (hopefully).

Now how is this thrifty? Well, I minimize my impulse buys. I can organize all my shopping into one gas and time efficient trip. I am ready to hit the road right after breakfast so I am not starving while shopping and then I don't buy snacky foods.

Here is a money saving tip I learned from a visiting teacher a few years ago. (If you read this you know who you are and I love you!!) PRAY!! Pray to stay in a budget, pray to find the deals you need, and pray to resist temptation of things you don't need.