If you have paid your debts, if you have a reserve, even though it be small, then should storms howl about your head, you will have shelter for your wives and children and peace in your hearts."
President Gordon B. Hinckley
...joyfully living within our means, being content with what we have, avoiding excessive debt, and diligently saving and preparing for rainy-day emergencies. Elder Robert D. Hales
Providently yours, Amanda at 8:00 AM
Labels: Preparedness, prophets, Sunday
Hi: I like your blog, but I just want to point out that you spelled "emergencies" wrong in your header. Thought you might want to know you have a typo!
Oh Goodness! I am so blushing right now!!! I am the worlds worst speller. Thank you for being my personal spell check. Come back often. :)
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