Sorry I am a little off schedule with the kids home. I will try to get back on here this week and get updated! For those also on spring break ENJOY!!!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Survival Saturday
And the 72 hour kit continues on..........
I really wanting to get my kit done. I have several items scattered about the house and shed. We did pull out a bin 'o' bags and found packs for all of us. Now if I can just figure out where to put them!! LOL! I also still need to actually put the items I have in them. I know brilliant idea, huh? Maybe this week I ca pull it off. Don't hold your breath! ;)
Original list is here.
Providently yours, Amanda at 1:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: 72 hour kits, list, survival saturday
Friday, March 27, 2009
Food Storage Friday
Providently yours, Amanda at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: bargain jargon, food storage, food storage Friday, storage
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Tasty Tuesday
As soon as I get some lentils I would love to try her RICE AND LENTIL BURRITOS.
Krystal also does a mix it up Monday where she shows you how to make and use your own mixes. I am looking forward to making my own SWEET BREAD MIX .
Be sure to look around. She has a main item list on the right hand side. On the left hand side she has a TON of other recipe blogs I can not wait to go check out!!! YUMMY!!!
Providently yours, Amanda at 5:26 PM 1 comments
Labels: budget meals, food storage, recipes, Tasty Tuesday
Monday, March 23, 2009
Money Monday

Okay so if you are new to this blog or just missed the last two Mondays here are links to the previous post in this series. Starting out & Check in #1.
So here is the update for this week:
Grocery: $183.62 + $138.47=$322.09 I hit some good stock ups for our food storage.
Household: $59.12+$20.53=$79.65 James needed a haircut and I needed some silly house stuff.
Dinner/Fun: $94.54+$58.28=$152.82 I told you this is our BAD area. :(
That is all we added this past week. We spent a total of $217.28. I am glad a majority of it was on groceries. The great thing is I saved an average of 50-60% on my groceries this week!!!
Providently yours, Amanda at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: budgets, money monday, spending
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Food Storage Friday / Survial Saturday
Case Lot Customer Favorites Sale!Order Quickly, Supplies Limited Sale Price Good Through March 31st, 2009
Instant Fat Free Powdered Milk 6 or More $13.46 Single Can $14.95
"Wow! I bought this as "emergency" supplies, but decided I'd better crack open a can before buying more, just to make sure it was OK. Gee, was I surprised. Normally powdered milk is gray, and doesn't taste at all like regular milk. My kids were drinking this stuff with no complaints (they didn't even notice!), and I'm using it when I can't get to the store. Excellent product." Jennifer, New Mexico
Yoder's Canned Bacon 12 or More $11.66 Single Can $12.95 "I have had this bacon in my food storage for about 2 years now. It is quite good and in fact we now use it almost daily. A very good addition to any food storage program if you like smoked bacon." -Mike, Nevada
Banana Slices6 or More $23.36 Single Can $25.95 "These are my very favorite snack ever! I love to just eat them dry throughout the day. They are great because you can take them everywhere and not have to worry about bruising the banana. I have to be very careful about rationing them or else before I know it, the whole can is gone."E.D. Utah
Low-Fat Granola Cinnamon Almond 6 or More $9.86Single Can $10.95 "WOW, this really is the best tasting granola our family has ever had. We enjoy it as a treat with yogurt or munching it straight from the can. A good breakfast, a good snack. Very flavorful, lower in calories than lots of other choices out there. A staple for our long-term food storage as well as a great everyday item!" -Kristi Texas
Freeze Dried Green Peppers 6 or More $17.96 Single $19.95 "I love this product because it tastes great, just like fresh peppers. Freeze dried will keep better than opening frozen and storing in freezer. I'll have these on hand to use everyday or in an emergency. Highly recommend this product!" -Julia, Tennessee
White Flakes Onions6 or More $17.96 Single Can 19.95 "I hate dicing onions and my husband jokes that my onions have to be NVO (no visible onions). These are great because they meet both my requirements. I just throw a handful in when cooking (or more or less as needed). I don't have to dice and I get the great onion flavor without big chunks of onion."-Laurie, Maryland
Peanut Butter Powder6 or More 13.46Single Can $14.95 "I love this peanut butter powder! It has a tremendous roasted peanut flavor making it perfect for use in baking. I adore it in cookies. I make batches of peanut butter to keep in my fridge. I have found that using milk to mix it, adding a tiny amount of butterscotch powder, & a small amount of sugar helps to mellow out the roasted peanut taste when using it as plain peanut butter for sandwiches. A must have for any food storage program!" -Charlene, North Carolina
Tomato Powder 6 or More $22.46Single $24.95 "This powder is the BEST! Mix it with a little water, you have great tomato paste...want sauce, simply add more water and spices. It is soooo handy! I highly recommend it! And a little goes such a long ways!" -Loa, Washington
Freeze Dried Broccoli 6 or More $17.06 Single $18.95 "I love broccoli so I was thrilled that this was so good!! I love it! It is great to add to soup, re-hydrate it and steam, just eat out of the can! Even my non broccoli lover's eat it straight from the can!!! EXCELLENT!!" -Corinne, Idaho
Freeze Dried Chicken(all white meat) 6 or More $43.16Single $47.95 "I recently bought my first case of this chicken. This is a very high-quality product that is not only great for long-term storage but is easily served in everyday dishes as well. This is one storage product that you will never have a problem in rotating and using what you store. You can use this in a million different ways." -Don, New York
Freeze Dried Green Beans 6 or More $15.26 Single $16.95 "These are the tasties and most convenient food in my pantry. You can cook up as little or as much as you want and they taste just like fresh picked bean - great in soups, rehydrated in casseroles or right out of the can. We love them." -Marsha, Virginia
Providently yours, Amanda at 1:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: food storage Friday, survivial Saturday
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Thrifty Thursday
Providently yours, Amanda at 5:03 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Tasty Tuesday

Grains: There are two kinds of grains. Whole grains and refined grains. Half of your grains should be whole grains, such as whole-wheat flour, oatmeal, and brown rice.
Meat & beans: Be sure to choose lean cuts of meat. Meats and beans provide many nutrients such as protein, B vitamins (niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, and B6), vitamin E, iron, zinc, and magnesium.
Oils: Most of your fats should come from fish, nuts, and vegetable oils. Avoid saturated fats. Limit fat solids such as butter, margarine, and lard. AVOID trans-fats.
Salt and sugars: Use moderation.
For more information check out This were I got all the above information. Hey I am learning too! :)
Providently yours, Amanda at 4:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: food, nutrition, Tasty Tuesday
Monday, March 16, 2009
Money Monday

Providently yours, Amanda at 11:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: budgets, money, money monday
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Providently yours, Amanda at 11:14 PM 0 comments
Survivial Saturday
(Here is the link to the master list)
Providently yours, Amanda at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: 72 hour kits, survival saturday
In referance to Thursday's entry

Providently yours, Amanda at 2:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: budget meals, meatless meals, menu planning, Thirfty Thursday
Friday, March 13, 2009
Free Book Download
Providently yours, Amanda at 2:25 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Thrifty Thursday

Providently yours, Amanda at 4:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: money savers, Thirfty Thursday
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Whatever Wednesday Gardening part 2
Edible Landscape Tip:
Ever thought “I live in an urban setting and don’t have space to grow vegetables, fruit and berries” Give some thought to incorporating food producing plants into your landscape? Add within an existing landscape or develop a plan to begin replacing some trees and shrubs with varieties that produce edible products: Take out that juniper and put in blueberries, replace a birch or maple with a fruit tree. Remove a flowering vine or add a vine of grapes or kiwi on an arbor or fence line. Strawberries work well as a ground cover as well as many herbs and leafy vegetables. Include tomatoes, broccoli or lettuce into an existing landscape if you don’t want a formal garden. Consider container gardening.
Nov – June is the time to plant fruit trees and berry bushes. First decide how much space you want to allocate to your site. Think outside the box. I use a fence line for strawberries, grapes and fruit trees and only use about 2’ of ground space along the fence. I figure a half of a fruit tree against a fence is better then no tree. Vertical gardening is a good option for confined spaces.
When considering fruit; use proven varieties that work well in your area. Select disease resistant varieties grown locally. Be careful buying from the big stores who often sell stock shipped in from other parts of the country, which have popular names, but don’t work well here. Study and ask questions locally or look up WSU Cooperative Extension info. WSU; Mt Vernon Research Station in WA has done extensive study on varieties that perform well in Western WA.
Another important fact to know about fruit trees is to study and understand the appropriate root stock that most trees are grafted onto these days. There is dwarf 4’-6’, semi dwarf 6’-10 or 8’-15’ depending on variety of tree and root stock and standard rootstock that allows the tree to grow to its natural genetic size, but with an improved under stock.
Buy from local reputable nurseries that label their trees with variety and rootstock. Some specialist in fruiting trees and shrubs are: (expect $15 – $30 range)
Hartman Nursery – (trees only) bare root availability Nov – March. 713- 21st Street SE, Puyallup, WA ph 253-848-1484
Burnt Ridge Nursery – trees and wide variety of nuts & fruiting plants; yr round but remember June is getting late for bare root plantings. 432 Burnt Ridge Rd. Onalaska,WA 98570 ph 360-985-2873
Raintree Nursery – trees and a wide variety of other plants. 391 Butts Road Morton, WA 98356 ph 360-496-6400
There are other good local general landscape nurseries like Gartenmeister on 160th that carry stock as well, but ask questions of any nursery prior to your purchase. Understand soil, sunlight, water, nutrient, and size requirements for each plant. Keep in mind 2 R’s - Right plant in the Right place! “Food for Thought”. Brother Ikerd
Providently yours, Amanda at 11:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: edible landscaping, gardening, Wednesday
Tasty Tuesday
Providently yours, Amanda at 12:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: budget meals, menu planning, Tasty Tuesday
Monday, March 9, 2009
Money Monday

Providently yours, Amanda at 3:04 PM 1 comments
Labels: budgets, money monday
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Survival Saturday
72 hour kit general list
This is a list I really like. It suits my style of doing things. It is compiled by the lovely gals over at Safely Gathered In. I am going to be using this as my running list for the next little while. I encourage you to work on yours as well. Post what does or does not work for you.
1 sturdy backpack per person (or rolling suitcase), or some tupperware bins (preferably with wheels). You pretty much need something that you will be able to grab at a moment's notice and throw into the back of the car
Providently yours, Amanda at 8:20 PM 1 comments
Labels: 72 hour kits, list, survival saturday
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Cannery update
Dry Pack will be May 22nd @ 7pm.
All orders are due by April 6th.
Providently yours, Amanda at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: cannery, food storage
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Thrifty Thursday

½ cup ammonia
1/3 cup vinegar
2 Tbsp baking soda
1 gallon water
Mix in a container, this can be used for cleaning stove tops, bathroom sinks, bath tubs, floors. Anything you would use an all purpose cleaner for.

Bread and Butter Refrigerator Pickles
(Thanks Shirley)
Sliced pickles & onions
1 cup sugar
1 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Celery seed
Combine all brine ingredients and bring to a boil. Layer cucumbers and onions in a jar. Pour brine over cuc's and onions and refrigerator for at least on hour. Best if you wait over night.
I LOVE these pickles!!! YUMMY!!!
Providently yours, Amanda at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: money savers, recipies, Thirfty Thursday
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Whatever Wednesday Gardening part 1

What we want to plant. Where and when we are planting it. Here is a great pdf that covers garden planning. Here is the link to the Farmer's Almanac. It gives a time frame for planting just insert your area code and off you go.I figure I will send you straight to the source on this one.
I am planning on Square Foot Gardening this year. James got me the book for Christmas. It was what I wanted. I am planning on getting my area ready this month and hope to be planting mid-late April. I can't wait to share pictures!! Here is a great intro to SFG.
Also container gardening is great for those of us who have limited yard space or live in apartments. Did you know you can plant beans, peas, tomatoes and other vine type plants in hanging baskets? Even herbs would be great this way.
Edible Landscaping. How about adding veggies and fruits into your already exciting landscape?
Happy planting!!!
Providently yours, Amanda at 8:38 PM 1 comments
Labels: contianer gardening, edible landscapes, gardening, SFG, Wednesday
Monday, March 2, 2009
Tasty Tuesday

These look really good. I think I will try them next week. If you try them let us know how they taste. Here is the site I got it from. They have a whole section of meatless dinners Betty Crocker. Another site I found was Meatless Monday. Apparently seafood is not considered a meat. However using it will not generally save you money. LOL!
Well enjoy!
Providently yours, Amanda at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: menu planning, recipes, Tasty Tuesday
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Money Monday
Providently yours, Amanda at 10:04 PM 6 comments
Labels: budgets, money, money monday
I have been thinking about this a lot lately. When we are striving to live a more provident lifestyle it is important to be thankful. We can see the blessings both temporal and spiritual more clearly when we take the time to count our blessings. It is hard in these uncertain times to see reasons to be grateful given all of the unknowns that we face. However it is a wonderful turn of events when we take the time to thank our Heavenly Father for ALL that he has given us.
Look around you. We live in a wonderful country at a wonderful time. We have so many “comforts” that others in this world may not even imagine. The first that comes to my mind are washing machines and indoor plumbing. (We have had massive sick kids at our house!) We have on call doctors and modern medicine. We also have the ability to go to school and further our education as far as we desire. We have food galore in comparison with most of the world. We are living in a country that allows us to choose our career path. We can decide who we want to marry, how many children we want to have, and were we will attend church.
We decide how we will use our blessings. We also decide if we will take the time to be thankful to our Heavenly Father for those blessings. When we express our gratitude we will be even more richly blessed. We can express that gratitude through prayer, tithes and offerings, service to other, and obedience to His commandments.
Let us be wise and thankful as we count our blessings.
Doctrine and Covenants 78:22
And he that is a faithful and wise steward shall inherit all things. Amen.
Providently yours, Amanda at 12:30 PM 0 comments