Just a few quick ideas today.
Before you leave to go out be it shopping or to a friends, check your accounts. Know what money is available. Make a goal not to spend more than you need to.
Think before you leave. Grab a snack for the kids, a soda from the fridge, do you have everything you need. Challenge yourself to stop spending money on silly little things that you already have, and to really think before you buy.
Always have a shopping list. Stick too it. Eat before you go grocery shopping.
Got some tricks of your own, or heaven forbid a problem with one of mine, let me know! ;)
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Thrifty Thurday
Providently yours, Amanda at 8:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: frugal, money savers, Thirfty Thursday
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
WhatEver Wednesday
Providently yours, Amanda at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Tasty Tuesday

Providently yours, Amanda at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: blog spotlight, recipies, Tasty Tuesday
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Providently yours, Amanda at 2:34 PM 1 comments
Labels: Preparedness, Sunday
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Whatever Wednesday
Garden Planning. YES it is this time again.
Jennifer this post is for you!!!

Spring will be here soon. I hope! This rain is driving me crazy!! So in light (hopefully SUNlight) of that we had better get our gardens planned.
But how you ask? Well for that I will direct you to a nice one stop spot for your general gardening information needs. Be sure to check out the gardening links!!
Want more information? Just look to your left on the sidebar. find the Gardening section and go to town.
You can also take a peek at my past gardening post. Lots of good info. and pictures too! Ignore the first post unless you want to make something using white bean flour. LOL!
Providently yours, Amanda at 9:09 AM 4 comments
Labels: gardening, Preparedness, provident living, Wednesday
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Tasty Tuesday
- A 3-ring binder - 3" would be great and a clear pocket on the front is handy too.
- Page protectors - easy to keep clean!
- Left over craft paper and stickers if you want
- computer paper
Then I made dividers labeling the section. Hints and tips, breakfast, breads, soups and salads, main dishes, kids favorites, pasta, cookies, deserts, and cake decorating ideas.
Next start adding you recipes. I have a mix of magazine cut outs ( I LOVE pictures.),

and hand written. Some of the are on odd ball scraps so I just glue them to a piece of paper first.
If you are printing from a blog: cut and paste to word or whatever program you use. Also include the name of the blog/site you printed from. This makes for easy referencing if you need help or more information about that recipe.
When dealing with hand written recipes, be sure to write who you got the recipe from or what book you copied from.
Also a binder with an inside pocket is nice. Sometimes you want to try a recipe before you add it or you simply don't have time to add it yet.
Are you lucky enough to have a spot to stand this baby up? Make sure to label the spine.
These make great gifts. I made one for my sister one year. It had red and white checked paper and I found some cute little ant stickers. Very Cute!! You can make it so individualized it's insane!!
Remember to think about Christmas, mother's Day, and birthdays. You could even make a smaller Blank Family Recipes Favorites. Make one for each sibling ! Or you could make one for a missionary, collage student, or newly weds.
Providently yours, Amanda at 8:10 AM 2 comments
Labels: budget friendly, Christmas, frugal, how to, menu planning, my life, on the cheap, recipes, Tasty Tuesday
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Providently yours, Amanda at 8:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: Preparedness, prophets, Sunday
Friday, January 15, 2010
Food Storage Friday

Providently yours, Amanda at 8:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: blog spotlight, food storage, food storage Friday, Preparedness, recipes, storage
Monday, January 11, 2010
Money Monday
Christmas Cash ( Thank Sharron for putting this in my head.)
I know we just got done with that holiday, however there are less than 365 until it is here agian. So...we must plan ahead. A few ideas to help you do so are:
Make a per person budget. List all those you buy for. Include Giving Trees, church Christmas events and other such carities you participate in. Divide it out by month or by paycheck and start saving that cash now.
Make a gift wish list. For example my one and only princess wants an American Girl doll. Oh joy to my budget. LOL!! So we will see, those things are quite spendy, but my kids only get stocking from Santa and one awsome gift from Mom and Dad (this year we got a Wii plus a game per person and one family game).
So knowing this is what Girlie wants I can now keeps my eyes and ears open for any cool deals on these ouch spendy dolls. Plus I can look at sales, clerance items, internet deals through out the year for all of those on my gift list.
Work towards a goal. I mean literally work. My family works at our local fair every year for our house hold that equals Christmas cash and ride money. What can you do to earn that gift money during the year?
Gift swap. What do you make that you can swap with a friend for something they make? I have a cousin-in-law who makes beaded jewlery. Anouther is a scrap book wiz. I like to make sewing crafts. We haven't done a swap as of yet but maybe one day we would. It is an idea. Think about it.
DIY. Make it a home made Christmas. Now don't fool yourself this takes planning. Both time and money. It can be very rewarding though. It is also great it you have a great stash of craft supplies, fabric, canning jars and wood. A great stash of leftovers from other projects can save tons of cash.
Well those are my ideas. Do you have any you want to share?
Providently yours, Amanda at 8:00 AM 6 comments
Labels: budget friendly, Christmas, how to, money monday, save money
Friday, January 8, 2010
Food Storage Friday
Providently yours, Amanda at 12:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: blog spotlight, food storage Friday, giveaway
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
New Years Resolutions
rowan said...
Tel us if you have any new years resolutions. Go on - try something outrageous
Okay well hum (these are not in order of importance)....
- Lose wieght. We got a Wii as our Christmas present this year and my game was the Wii fit plus. LOVE IT!! I plan to work out an hour a day, 4-5 days a week. Plus when the weather is nice I plan to walk to pick up the two older kids from school. My little boys will love it and will get some more exercise. This is the year I lose the baby wieght!!
- Focus more on spiritual things. Prayer, family home evening, scripture reading, and my calling. I know my life is so much better when I take advatage of these blessings.
- Kick some MAJOR debt butt !!! We will pay of our Tahoe this year thus freeing up some major cash to throw into savings and onto other debts. Plus we get paid weekly this gives us 4-5 "extra" paychecks a year. Onto debt they go!!
- Visit my Grandma. This will hamper our debt goal alitlle but it has been 3+ years since I have seen her and we miss her dearly.
- Get my 3 month supply up to snuff (again), add to my basic year supply, and finally fill my 50 gal water barrel(that we have had 4 years grrr).
Providently yours, Amanda at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: my life